Project History
The reconstruction of the interchange at the Route 7 and the Route 15 (Merritt Parkway) interchange started in 2005 when litigation resulted in stoppage of work, ultimately followed by cancellation of construction in 2006. Construction cancellation was the result of a finding by the court that the project records did not demonstrate that avoidance, minimization and mitigation alternatives associated with impacts to historic features had been adequately analyzed.
To view documents from the earlier phases of the project, please click here.
Main Street Bridge Construction over Merritt Parkway in Norwalk, 1937. (Weld Thayer Chase Collection, Connecticut State Library, State Archives).
Merritt Parkway looking west over Main Street, 1937. (Weld Thayer Chase Collection, Connecticut State Library, State Archives).
Construction of the Merritt Parkway bridge over Main Street, 1937. (Weld Thayer Chase Collection, Connecticut State Library, State Archives).
Merritt Parkway Looking west over Main Street, Connecticut State Library, 1937. (Weld Thayer Chase Collection, Connecticut State Library, State Archives).
Merritt Parkway intersection with Route 7, ca. 1940. (Merritt Parkway Construction, Connecticut State Library, State Archives).
Intersection of the Merritt Parkway and Main Avenue (Route 7) Downtown Winnipauk ca. 1938. View northwest. (Bepler, Route 7 the Road North – Norwalk to Canaan, p 18).
Main Avenue cloverleaf view with the Main Avenue Bridge on the left. The Winnipauk School was located on the bluff to the left (Bepler, 1999; 18).